Sask. NDP says Moe has failed province in 5 years as Premier

On the 5-year anniversary of Scott Moe being sworn in as Premier, the Offical Opposition is labelling it a half-decade of failure.

Official Opposition Leader Carla Beck said Moe has a failing record on the big three economic indicators: jobs, the economy and interprovincial migration over his first 5 years in office.

“When we look over the Scott Moe years, there is not a lot to celebrate,” she said. “Scott Moe has shrunk the economy, he’s stalled job growth, and he’s sent our kids packing.”

During Moe’s five years as Premier (February 2018 to December 2022), Saskatchewan has had the worst overall rates of job growth at three per cent and full-time job growth at two per cent in Canada, according to the NDP.

Saskatchewan’s economy has also performed the worst in Canada and shrunk by six per cent during the Moe years. The province has also lost 35,856 people net through interprovincial migration, more than every other province except Ontario.

“Moe has utterly failed to sell the positive story of this province. He’s failed to capitalize on Saskathchewan’s potential. He’s failed to give people the tools that they need to succeed here at home, and it seems he has given up.”

“I hope the Premier will face up to his record, honestly,” Beck added. “As much as the last five years have been a test of Scott Moe’s competency, this will be a test of his integrity. If five years of economic shrinkage isn’t enough to make the Premier stop spinning and get to work, this is truly shaping up to be another Groundhounds Day.”

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