City to build new firehall in south east

The City of Regina is purchacing some land in south east Regina to be the home of a new fire station.

“Fire Station No. 8” will be located on a two acre plot at Chuka Boulevard and Primrose Green Drive.

The location was noted during recent consultations as a good spot to serve the area.

“One of our focuses with Fire Station No. 8 is to bring value to the neighbourhood we will be situated in, as we do in all areas of Regina,” said Fire Chief Layne Jackson in a news release. “In addition to providing emergency response, a fire station is a community hub in a lot of ways. Through fire station tours and other events that welcome citizens into the station, fire safety programming and community partnerships that strengthen our services, we work to benefit the community around the station and throughout Regina.”

The hope is to start construction in 2025, and have the fire station operational in 2026

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