SUMA calling on Government to make changes to election date for municipalities

SUMA is calling on the Government of Saskatchewan once again to make changes to the election date for cities, towns, and villages.

SUMA President Randy Goulden said that the newest call comes after the release of Saskatchewan Chief Electoral Officer Michael Boda’s final report on the 2020 provincial election.

“Saskatchewan’s Chief Electoral Officer has reiterated that more space should be created between municipal and provincial elections, and we could not agree more,” she said. “In 2020, our hometowns experienced voter confusion with the provincial and municipal election dates so close together, and inclement weather also created challenges. As the order of government closest to the people, it is vital for Saskatchewan’s residents to be able to exercise their democratic right and vote in their local election.”

Following the municipal elections in 2020, SUMA surveyed Saskatchewan hometowns, and the municipalities unanimously requested a change in future election dates. Based on feedback from Saskatchewan’s cities, towns, and villages, SUMA has been advocating for a May election date for cities and a September 2024 election date for towns and villages.

In August, SUMA received correspondence indicating the Government of Saskatchewan would not be moving the municipal election date.

SUMA said in a press release that they are in favour of several other of Boda’s recommendations, including any necessary legislative amendments to make voter lists freely available from Elections Saskatchewan to individual municipalities and new possibilities for electronic voting.

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