Give it away, now: Seedlings to be given to Regina residents

The city of Regina will be getting things growing on National Tree Day on Wednesday.
One thousand seedlings will be given away, starting at 9 a.m. at Victoria Park. Tree varieties include Carmine Jewel Cherry, Ben Nevis Black Currant among others. They’re limited to one per person while supplies last.
Fall is still a great time to plant trees, said Russell Eirich, the city of Regina’s manager of open space services, in a release. The forestry bylaw has been recently amended to allow residents to plant trees on city property with an application to the tree donation program.
For more information about the tree donation program, head to

There are more than 500,000 city and privately owned, hand-planted trees that help with flooding, natural cooling and removes the equivalent of 3,330 mid sized vehicles from the atmosphere each year.

A release from the city said that the urban forest will help with their goal of becoming a 100 per cent renewable city by 2050.

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