Free fishing weekend coming this Saturday and Sunday

You can take your rod and reel and head out to the province’s lakes and, well… just about any public water this weekend … because it’s free fishing weekend this Saturday and Sunday in Saskatchewan.
Angling limits and other fishing regulations will apply but you won’t need a license to fish unless you’re planning on taking the fish out of the province.
A reminder that free fishing weekend doesn’t apply in national parks.

Each year, over a quarter a million anglers hit the water in Saskatchewan to fish and try to catch some of the 70 species of fish native to the province, including 21 different sport fishing species like walleye, pike and trout.

“Whether you are new to the sport or an avid angler, Free Fishing Weekend is a great opportunity to pick up a fishing rod,” Environment Minister Dana Skoropad said in a media release.

For more information on angling rules, check out the province’s website.

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