Latest crop report says much of Sask grainbelt received rain during past week

The latest crop report says much of the Saskatchewan grainbelt received rain during the past week.

Provincial crops extension specialist Matt Struthers says crop development faces some issues but moisture was certainly welcome.

He says producers who did not receive rain are seeing their crops starting to go backward in development.

The rainfall was widespread, with the biggest amount in areas like Marengo and Smiley with 86 millimeters, Stoughton and Spiritwood had 84 millimeters, Saltcoats area 61 millimeers and the Webb area 38 millimeters.

More rain is needed to alleviate drought-stressed crop and pasture in the drier areas of the province, mainly parts of the western grainbelt.

Cropland topsoil moisture is rated 9 percent surplus, 75 percent adequate, 15 percent short and one percent very short.

Crop loss this past week was caused by flea beetles, cutworms, gophers and hail.

Truax was hit by hail but some farmers believe their crops will recover.

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