Health Canada proposed ground beef label comes under fire

Producer groups in Alberta have expressed opposition to a proposed Health Canada label on ground meat.

Health Canada says it’s not a warning, it’s advice.

It wants consumers to have better information when deciding at the grocery store, what foods to buy for their family.

But Alberta’s health minister is critical of his federal counterparts saying the labelling policy isn’t consistent and seems to be targeting certain foods over others.

He stood alongside the province’s agriculture minister and leaders of Alberta’s beef and pork industries Monday, to denounce Health Canada’s plan to put front-of-package labels on packages of ground beef and pork, warning consumers they contain high levels of saturated fat.

Alberta beef producers chair Melanie Wowk is critical of the Health Canada proposal.

Alberta pork spokesman Martin Waldner calls the Health Canada decision misguided:

A decision by Health Canada is expected by the end of this month.

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