City of Regina invests $118 Million in 2022 construction season

The City of Regina has officially kicked off their 2022 construction season.

This season the City will be investing a total of $118 million in transportation, water, wastewater, and drainage infrastructure.

Major investments this year include:

Drinking water system improvements $25 million
Improvements on bridges $24 million
Improvements to major roads and traffic infrastructure $19 million
Wastewater system upgrades $18 million
Improvements to residential roads and pedestrian connectivity $17 million

New major projects:

  • Northeast Neighbourhood Drainage Improvement Project – $15 million over three years
  • Arcola Avenue Trunk Relining to rehabilitate the sewer – $3.6 million
  • Improvements to Albert Street from 3rd Avenue to 1st Avenue North including road renewal, new signal lights and widened pedestrian sidewalk – $1.5 million
  • Improvements along south and north Lewvan Drive, including road renewal for improved drivability and relocating the turning lane into the Regina Airport to improve safety – $1.5 million

Continuing multi-year major projects:

  • Third and final year for drainage improvements in the North Central community – $15 million over three years
  • Second and final year for McCarthy Infrastructure Improvement which includes road renewal in 2022 – $7.9 million over two years
  • Second and final year for rehabilitation of the Winnipeg Street Overpass and modifications to the interchange – $28.8 million investment over two years

Other projects include the City addressing all three of the roads which were listed on CAA ‘Worst Roads’ in Saskatchewan list that was released earlier this week.

The City adds that residents should visit the Road Report for traffic restrictions and reminds residents to plan ahead, slow down, and drive safe as workers and their families are relying on you.

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