Premier Moe looking to end proof of vaccination policies in letter to truckers

In a letter to truckers, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe stated that he plans to end the proof of vaccination and negative test policy.

“My government supports your call to end the cross-border ban on unvaccinated truckers, and it’s why, in the not-too-distant future, our government will be ending our proof of negative test/proof of vaccination policy in Saskatchewan.”

Moe said that in a letter to truckers sent out early Saturday morning. He also thanked “every Saskatchewan and Canadian trucker, farmer and individual that has contributed to keeping our communities operating over the last two years.”

The letter comes as thousands of truckers from across Canada are in Ottawa as part of the ‘Freedom Convoy,’ and over 500 truckers lined Regina in a solidarity convoy that passed through the Saskatchewan Legislature.

“The current federal border policy for truckers makes no sense. An unvaccinated trucker does not pose any greater risk of transmission than a vaccinated trucker,” he said. “The current federal policy does pose a significant risk to Canada’s economy and to the supply chain in our Saskatchewan communities, where you and I live. This federal policy will increase the cost of living.”

Moe made it clear that he supports and encourages people to get vaccinated, preventing serious illness.

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