Child Care Now Saskatchewan calls federal election result a win for young families

Child Care Now Saskatchewan is calling this week’s election positive news for families in the province thanks to a previously-established partnership to implement more affordable child care.

Spokesperson Sue Delanoy says despite the general consensus by many in the province, this was not a pointless election.

“We had already signed the agreement before the election, so this is something that we were hoping would not be cancelled with a change in government,” Delanoy said. “Now, families can look forward to some immediate changes within the province.”

Delanoy says fees will reduce by 50 percent right away.

“That means it’s more affordable for families, which will certainly allow families to do more within the province,” Delanoy said. “It is also a great opportunity for us to enhance and then expand what we have in the province.”

Delanoy says the province is looking to move from 17,000 child care spaces to 28,000 in the near future.

“That’s a huge increase,” Delanoy said. “It will also open up spots for people to go to school, get a designation as an Early Childhood Educator, help women get back into the workforce, provide places and spaces for children and support families at the same time.”

With the long-term goal being $10-a-day child care, Delanoy says with the election result Saskatchewan is on track to implement that by 2025.

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