Saskatchewan set to open up four new international trade and investment offices

The government is announcing four new trade and investment offices are going to be set up in London, Dubai, Mexico City and Ho Chi Minh City.

In a release, the government says these priority markets will give Saskatchewan a stronger regional presence in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Latin America, and a heightened focus on key markets in Southeast Asia.  It will also complement four offices already established in Japan, India, Singapore and China

“Saskatchewan is an exporting province, and it will be even more important to diversify and grow our export markets coming out of the global COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring a strong economic recovery here at home in the months and years ahead,” Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison said.  “These new trade and investment offices will expand our international network and enhance opportunities to increase the value of our exports by 50 per cent, as well as increase the number of international markets to which Saskatchewan exports more than $1 billion, in support of our ambitious Growth Plan goals.”

Overall merchandise export sales in Saskatchewan in 2020 were more than $30 billion, up 2.5 per cent over 2019.  This was the highest percentage increase among the provinces, including a record $16.9 billion in agricultural exports last year.


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