Moosomin Airport to receive provincial funding

The Moosomin Airport is receiving $275,000 through the province’s Community Airport Partnership (CAP) program.

Administrator for the R.M. of Moosomin Kendra Lawrence says the airport is currently used by a local flying club and some businesses.

“With the new, upgraded runway, we will see the availability to increase health and welfare with air ambulance being able to land in our area.”

Lawrence says this money will be used in a variety of areas for the airport.

“Phase one will be the construction the runway, and then the second phase will be paving that facility,” Lawrence said. “Third would probably be the installation of lighting to facilitate night-landing if necessary.”

There are also plans for Area Navigation (RNAV) to equip pilots with better navigation and faster flight times, and an Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) to increase accuracy and quality for weather data and detection, which provides pilots with additional necessary information.

Lawrence says the credit for sending in the application goes to local pilot Jeff St. Onge.
“His knowledge and expertise in the airport, the airplanes and what we need to have for the facility there to ensure that their ambulance facility can land there has been very beneficial.”
She says other R.M.’s in the Moosomin area pitched in financially after St. Onge and a local doctor advocated for the health benefits an improved airport can bring.

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