Get ready for an abrupt change in temperatures if you’re in southern Saskatchewan.
Daytime highs could be in the mid to high teens later this week for Regina and Moose Jaw.
Environment Canada’s Terri Lang doesn’t want to spoil the party, but said those numbers could be a little optimistic.
“The reason I say that is because there’s still snow on the ground in some areas, and where there’s snow on the ground you’re really going to see it struggle to get temperatures that high,” Lang said
Double digit highs are being forecasted for Regina and Moose Jaw for Thursday Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
If Monday morning’s forecast holds Moose Jaw could see a high of 19C on Saturday, Regina could reach 14C that day.
Lang also wants people to remember that March is a really volatile month.
“March is one of those months where because we usually see warmth we’re getting more moisture, and when you combine those two it means we often can see our biggest snow storms in March,” Lang said.
The normal daytime high in Regina this time of year is about -4C, Moose Jaw normally sees highs around -1C the first week of March.